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About Us

A small piece of a much larger picture

High Quality Printing for Churches

Radiant Printing is a company started to help churches look great and save money.

Pastor Jason Burns

Jason Burns is the founder of Radiant Printing. To this day, the heart behind Radiant is to help pastors and church planters reach their cities, see their vision come to life, and to invest in new church plants.

Jason is a church planter. He founded Access Church in 2007 in Lakeland, Florida. He lives there with his wife, Lis, and three children, Joey, Gavin, and Ella.

Contact Jason for a Free Consultation Today!

Pastor Jason Burns

Jason Burns is the founder of Radiant Printing. To this day, the heart behind Radiant is to help pastors and church planters reach their cities, see their vision come to life, and to invest in new church plants.

Jason is a church planter. He founded Access Church in 2007 in Lakeland, Florida. He lives there with his wife, Lis, and three children, Joey, Gavin, and Ella.

Contact Jason for a Free Consultation Today!

Our Trusted Partners

Some of the amazing organizations that we support